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Author: Vince Preece

Have you found in the last 3 months that maybe you need to be able to work from home at a moments notice?  Have you had trouble staying in contact with your coworkers or clients because you didn’t have your desk phone with you?  Did...

I think one of the best quotes I’ve heard comes from Kalen Krueger, “The most important thing that will happen on your network today is your backup”.  Backups are something that are hugely important and at times are the most neglected and overlooked aspect of...

One of my absolute favorite past times is cooking. After a long, crazy day, my hour and a half of quiet time in the kitchen making dinner is my “me” time. I love finding new recipes and trying to tweak them to make them my...

A Network Engineer at NPI for 7 years, has an Associate's degree in Computer Information's Systems in addition to a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology-Security. I have also acquired 15 other technical certifications ranging from security, wireless, and Linux but is primarily focused on network...

Last week I was on a four hour virtual meeting, it was a new record. The other day I was “Zoomed Out” after spending seven and a half hours in virtual meetings.The four hour meeting was meaningful and well worth the time, but being in...

Microsoft Teams has been gaining in popularity for years, and it has become one of the most popular internal communications tools.  For those of you not familiar with Teams, it has quite a bit of functionality.  Teams has chat, file share, video, and different applications...

Hello, to all, and hoping you and your families are staying safe.  This unprecedented virus is causing all of us to re-evaluate how we work, play, and live.  I do not know about you folks, but I am tired of being in my house all...

Hello to all and I hope you and your families are healthy and safe.  These are unprecedented times and the effects of the Coronavirus are devastating from a human, and business standpoint.  There are so many things to talk about during this time, humanity, politics, mental...